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1/25(토) 7pm 빌립보교회
2/1(토) 7pm 워싱턴베다니교회
보라 파터 Bora Potter
신용헌 Jaden Shin
손은의 Eun Eui Sohn
박은숙 Karen Park
김동희 Donghee Kim
남정아 Jung A Nam
황은숙 Eun Sook Hwang
조현영 Carmen Cho
최은예 Cynthia Choi
원경하 Peter Won
김태미 Tammy Kim
김명선 Aanabelle Kim
홍춘예 Grace Hong
노용두 Yong Doo Rho
노하은 Chloe Haeun Rho
이정은 Jenna Lee
김은희 Eunhee Kim
김유나 Yuna Ailee Kim
김연준 Teddy Kim
권남정 Namjung Kwon
김진석 Jin Seok Kim
윤성호 Sungho Yoon
We are a Christian performing arts and cultural ministry nonprofit organization,
established in 2022 by a dedicated group of Christian directors, writers, composers, performers,
creators, and amateur actors residing in VA, MD, and DC.
Our mission is to proclaim the Kingdom of God and the Gospel through our performances,
while also praising God in all that we do.
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